Thursday, December 18, 2008

And the Test results are in...

I had to go back today to get the results from my tests... Dr. said I am headed towards Preeclampsia!(click the word to learn more) The protein level in my urine is too high! He said it is very dangerous for me and If it gets worse they will have to induce... but he thinks it's too soon for the baby! He checked my cervix again and I am already dilated to a 2 and 80% effaced! Dr. said the baby will probably be here by the first of the year! He wants to try to keep her in there as long as we can! Still on Bed Rest, I have to go in Saturday for another stress test and do another 24 hr urine collection! I go in for an ultrasound on Monday! Still very swollen and Sweating like a pig!

1 comment:

Caty said...

Oh, Dani! You and your baby are most definitely in my prayers and I hope you get to have a Merry Christmas, even with all of this nausea and migraine business!